Jesus said to his disciples, “If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples. Then, you will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you FREE.” (Jn.8:31,32)
Last week Robin sent me a great interview.
I like these two guys! Not just because they are from two of my favorite countries – Dr Paul Mason from Australia and Ivor Cummins, who has been nicknamed, “The engineer who knows more than your doctor” from Ireland, but because using the criteria I outlined earlier for discerning sources of in-formation, I reckoned these two have the HUMILTY and INTEGRITY I search for. I think I heard ‘TRUTH’ in this conversation about science and health!
But you can check for yourself (at least the last 10 minutes)…..
In the first half of the interview they talk ‘Truth ‘about the key underlying cause of coronavirus morbidity and mortality. The even better news is that this is the underlying reason for most modern disease and the best news of all that it can be corrected relatively easily and quickly!
“Really? Why haven’t we heard of this before now?” You might well ask.
The second part of the interview describes how they both have thoughougly researched the multiple scientific studies that have been done over decades, but this Truth has been ‘buried‘ by the ‘Mainstream’ to maintain a narrative that is more about corporate profit than personal health. These studies provide those FACTS THAT ADD UP OVER TIME, which is my third criteria!
Applying the ‘Truth’ this interview uncovers is why Robin, who has lived with cancer for over two years without medical intervention, is still alive, and why Hilary and I are in such remarkably good health in our 60s and 70s.
Just as the ‘Truth’ about the underlying cause of the current crisis has been kept hidden so I believe the ‘Truth‘ about the solution proposed by the “Mainstream’ in the form of a vaccine like the ‘flu vaccine’ has also been ‘buried’. Because their call is for this to be universal and mandatory it is vital that not only expectant and new mothers but everyone should get honest information as no one would be exempt from it’s implementation and consequences.
We have just finished watching an excellent Docu-series that I found level headed and based on ‘honest science’, called “The Truth About Vaccines.”
It is set in the context of the USA, but the information has relevance worldwide. I would recommend you check out this ‘eye opening’ presentation and exercise my three criteria for discernment by looking and listening for INTEGRITY, HUMILITY and FACTS THAT ADD UP OVER TIME.
Did you know for example that scientific research has shown,
……that the current ‘flu vaccine’ now recommended to pregnant women contains 250 times the dose of the ‘poison’ mercury for the baby, that would earn it the label “Toxic Hazard”?
…….that when in 1989 the childhood vaccine schedule in the USA was tripled, the level of chronic childhood illness rose from 12% to 54% ?
…..that the number of childhood vaccines is directly proportional to the infant mortality. The US which has the highest number of infant vaccinations (26) is ranked 34th in infant mortality?
….that immunity naturally gained from a measles or mumps infection provides significant protection from heart disease and cancer in later life in a way vaccination does not?
Really? Why haven’t we heard about this before now?” You might well ask. You can and should find out more by watching the series. A free showing is being run again this week end. You can watch it here.
I believe God expects us to take personal responsibility for the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ each of us has been given stewardship of in this brief life.
We do this by caring for the God given immune system that already exists within our amazing bodies.
We do this by making careful choices about what we put into our bodies and about what we allow other people to put into our bodies.
This is the hopeful message delivered by all these courageous voices I have linked you to over the last few weeks, Shiva Ayyadurai, Sayer Ji, Ivor Cummins, Paul Mason, Joseph Mercola, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Judy Mikovits and a host of others.
This is the journey Hilary and Robin and I have been on over many years, seeking to take responsibility for our own health as with an open mind we do due diligence to thoroughly investigate the facts for ourselves.
As Dr Shiva said, “Exercise your FREEDOM to discover the TRUTH so that you can increase your HEALTH and so strengthen your