“Though the famous and fortuned dictate the song
Though our fallen desires just play us along
All will be well…….
Though fear has gone viral across every land“
(From “All Will Be Well’ song and post on April 10th)
The call to crucify Jesus came from the masses manipulated by a ruling elite. The recurring phrase “For fear of the (Jewish) leaders.” (Jn.7:13, 9:22, 12:42, 19:38, 20: 19) revealed how fear was the instrument established power structures used to control the people in order to maintain their power.
So why should we suppose that anything has changed in our day?
In fact Jesus affirmed, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matt. 24:37)
Genesis 6:11 describes the days of Noah…..
“Now the earth was corrupt…”
Psalm 2:1 says, “Why do the nations CONSPIRE and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed…”
According to the Bible and Jesus himself, the conspiracy of evil, isn’t a theory it is and has always been a reality.
………”The rich just get richer. The power brokers stand.”
And so we read in Hebrews 13 that Jesus suffered “outside the camp”. He was not part of the ‘establishment’ – the power structures of this world in his day. In fact Jesus was crucified (and continues to be crucified) by the ‘Main- stream.’
What marked Jesus out as different from the ‘Mainstream’ was his INTEGRITY. He was the REAL deal.
A few weeks ago I posted a link to a scientific source that was pointing out something that the ‘Mainstream’ was not reporting about Covid-19. Dr Jay Bhattacharya a Stanford Professor of Epidemiology was stating there was insufficient scientific data to make the far reaching social decisions that were being made.
I saw Dr Jay again in an interview last week affirming that the data so far was confirming that the mortality rate was proving much lower than had been originally forecast by the ‘Mainsteam.’ I loved his objectivity as well as his closing comment that if this continued to be confirmed, husbands needed to “hug their wives”.
Dr Jay mentioned the push back he had received from the establishment, including a comment “Get with the program”
His integrity seems in stark contrast to the massaging of figures by the ‘Mainstream’, for example the direction that Covid-19 if merely present, should be recorded as the “cause of death.” Really?
Of course there is much false information circulating. So how can we know what is true and what is false? How can we follow the advice in Ephesians 5 to “be wise and not unwise …..for the days are evil.” ? I would suggest looking for three things.
The first of my three criteria for discernment is borne out by Dr Jay’s two interviews. We need to look for FACTS THAT ADD UP AND ARE BORNE OUT OVER TIME.
The second and third criteria is highlighted in Jesus answer to Pilate’s question,“What is truth?” Jesus replies, “Whoever is of the truth hears my voice”
Jesus refocuses the question, because truth is not so much about WHAT as about WHO. In other words the INTEGRITY and the HUMILITY of the messenger. Who do we believe rather than what do we believe.
“But walking in HUMILTY helps you to make wise decisions. INTEGRITY will lead you too success and happiness. (Prov. 11:3,4 TPT)
The best way to discern these things is of course through a close personal relationship with the source over a sustained period of time. However so many of our sources nowadays are second hand through the media, we need to process the input we are getting with those close to us whose integrity and humility we are sure of. (That begins with my wife and my mens group : – )
Another epidemiologist I have listened to is Dr Kurt Wittowski. This ‘down to earth’ expert reminds me of my father and mother with his ‘commonsense’ approach. His comment “I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science.” is a telling statement about the ‘conflict of interests’ that is rampant amongst those in positions of power and influence.
Sometimes you get glimpses of integrity and humility through incidental, tell tale asides.
An example I found was in this interview with Systems Biologist, Dr Shiva Ayyadurai. I suggest you watch the last few minutes, from the 48.30 mark and see if his authenticity, that slips out as he mentions his background, does not draw you into wanting to hear the main body of what this man has to say.
Sayer Ji at greenmedinfo.com strikes me as having the ‘ring of truth’ about him as he offers another alternative (to ‘Mainstream’) yet soundly scientific perspective.
Today I read this quote in an article on Mercola.com about a tried and tested cure for coronavirus that was known 10 years ago.
“The long-standing bias against natural over patentable synthetic molecules in the practice of medicine has now resulted in the avoidable premature death of thousands of the most vulnerable individuals and the abrupt and near-complete economic collapse of modern society due to an unwarranted over-response by health authorities, political overseers and sensationalist news media.
The narrow and archaic vaccine-only paradigm to treat infectious diseases has left human populations vulnerable to a highly transmissible … virus … This unprecedented man-made chaos could have been avoided by putting into practice a remedy described … a decade ago.
In 2010 … researchers … reported that the combination of … zinc plus a zinc transport molecule (ionophore) that facilitates zinc’s entry into cells effectively impairs the replication of RNA viruses, like the newly mutated COVID-19 coronavirus, to affect a cure …
This prior discovery appears to validate the recent report6 of Vladimir Zelenko MD, a New York-based physician who has treated 699 consecutive cases of COVID-19 … with complete 100% success. His treatment protocol includes oral zinc, chloroquine as a zinc ionophore and an antibiotic (azithromycin).”
Last night the Battle Hymn of the Republic drifted up from my spirit….
“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
……he is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat.”
In the end of the day only God can see into a person’s heart, which is why we should be slow to judge the motives of others. Instead, our heart’s cry should be, “Search me O God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the path everlasting.” (Ps. 139:23,24)
The good news is that the ‘kings of the earth’ are merely ‘the powers that (think they) be’ for God says, “I have set my King upon, Zion, my holy hill.” (Ps. 2: 6)
….and so we cry, “In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of TRUTH, HUMILITY and JUSTICE; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.” (Ps. 45:4)
…….for we know that in the end, with the coming of this ‘servant King’ who,’emptied himself of all but love.’
“All Will Be Well.”