Over the last few years I have been given a message to deliver in the form of a song. This ‘Good Friday’ morning I was prompted to roll out of bed early and record the song as the sun was rising.
The above video was shot through the front window of our Rivendell home.
When I replayed the recording I noticed some things that had taken place at God’s orchestration through his creation and creatures, and even through the technology I was using, connecting the words of the song to the video footage…. in an amazing way!
To appreciate this story one needs to understand the significance of the law concerning the cleansing from leprosy as recorded in Leviticus 14. Leprosy represents our human mortality.
The offering involved two birds. These two birds represent the two works of Christ. The first bird was killed. This represents Christ in his first coming to do ‘a dying work’. The second bird was then dipped in the blood of the first and released into “the open field” which represents the world (Matt.13:38). The symbolism of this is explained in Rev. 19:11-16, where the rider on the white horse has ‘a robe dipped in blood’. This is Christ in his second coming. His second work is ‘a living work’ which he engages in with those who participate in the first resurrection to reign with him on earth for a thousand years. (Rev.20:6,5:10. 1 These.4:13-18. 1Cor.15:51-58. )
This story is subtly (the ‘still small voice’) portrayed in the video, and best seen if you can view it on a larger screen.
The bridge of the song goes….
For there is a God
His name is True Love
And when we F***ed up
The moment I sing this, (2.12) a bird flies into the pictured on the right side of the screen and lands on the tree to the left. This bird represents Jesus in his first work – dying on ‘the tree’, for I then sing…..
He drank the cup.
Then at the 3.14 mark the bird flies to the right, to perch on another tree.
In the final chorus after…
All manner of things shall be well, (4.04)
……..a second bird, representing the second work of Christ, when he comes to fully establish his kingdom on earth appears beside the first.
As the song ends both birds can be seen flying toward the sun.
This orchestrated choreography by ‘Dad’ of creatures and creation in synchronicity with the song, is I believe a remarkable confirmation of the message. (Yes, even with the swear word!) ……..to be delivered NOW, at this feast.
Another beautiful touch by ‘Dad’ can again be best seen on a large screen.
You will notice that initially the camera appears to have a fluctuating focus that tends toward the near window which is streaked with grime. It is unsettling, and the distant view is obscured.
This describes what the whole world is experiencing at this time.
Then at the 3.00 mark it stabilizes, and the beautiful distant and wider view of the son-lit creation comes into focus.
The number 300 interestingly represents Divine Deliverance.
It reminded me of the scripture,
“For now we see through a glass dimly; but then FACE to FACE.” (1 Cor.12:13)
I had started the video with a line from another song I was given. “Good Morning Dad.” It begins, “I open my eyes I SEE YOUR SMILING FACE.”
My croaky early morning voice and the amateur attempts at video are another example of the human ‘weakness’ through which God works to display his glory and convey this message from his heart, first given to Julian of Norwich, many years ago.